FCS Working Hunter Saddle


This stunning saddle is a new addition to the FCS Range.  A close contact saddle to suit those of us that compete in a variety of disciplines.
Ideal for a rider that wants the support that the deep seat and knee rolls offer for jumping.  However, it is not too forward cut to detract from the overall picture of the horse. It does not cover the horse’s shoulder.
At home on the hunting field, eventing, working hunter classes and more.  I shall be using one this season on my Connemara for Working Hunter and also Eventing.
Sizes from 16.5″ upwards.  Available in Dark Havana or Black.
As with all our saddles, they are designed individually so we can cater for almost all shapes and sizes.
Therefore, if you wish to purchase a saddle please contact us to arrange a saddle demo and template measurement.

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Customer Reviews


JP jumped mega today and saddle didn’t move at all! Thank you so much for finally getting him sorted after 3 years and 5 saddles.


The difference in how he goes! Working so much better across his back, even after a week off, dropping the base of his neck and opening his shoulders too. And ears are definitely happier.