FCS Streamline Saddle


A close contact show saddle ideal for Mountain and Moorland ponies or the wider horses and ponies out there. Designed on a half panel, you sit close to your horse improving stability on the wider rolling types.

I have also had a lot of success with customers fed up of feeling ‘perched’ on their pony that still want a saddle for general riding and not specifically showing. This saddle can be built on a variety of tree shapes to fit most horses.

They are available in black or brown and sizes 16.5″ to 18″.

If you wish to purchase a saddle please contact us to arrange a saddle demo and template measurement.

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Customer Reviews


JP jumped mega today and saddle didn’t move at all! Thank you so much for finally getting him sorted after 3 years and 5 saddles.


The difference in how he goes! Working so much better across his back, even after a week off, dropping the base of his neck and opening his shoulders too. And ears are definitely happier.